
A material for backfilling and underpinning,
to be used in public works

In the form of calibrated chips, Draingom is a material specifically developed for public works constructions and infrastructures.

By choosing Draingom, transport-related CO2 emissions can be reduced by up to





Economical advantages

Depending on the constructions and sites, Draingom can replace stone, gravel, clay balls, cellular plastic and polystyrene.

It is an abundant, local resource that makes it possible, by replacing stone and gravel, to makes saving of up to 80% in the transport-related CO2 emissions.

The material is inert and rot-proof, so there is no impact on the environment.

Do you have a project around our products?
Let's talk together!

Jean-Philippe Faure, R&D Director

Contact Jean-Philippe

Technical and scientific bibliography

  • Backfill and light embankment Draingom filling Download