WHO PAYS? How it works | Regulations and obligations | Key figures
You are a car industry professional and you buy tyres, occasionally or several times a year. Depending on the volumes involved and your activity, your situation can change.
In all cases, only tyres that have been subject to an eco-tax can be collected. Check whether or not your suppliers already pay this eco-tax.
If this is not the case, or if you import tyres directly from abroad, you must declare the tyres you buy and pay the corresponding eco-tax yourself.
This is a legal obligation: all tyres sold in France must be declared then recycled when they reach the end of their life. This is what the eco-tax is used for.
It is the professionals who put tyres on the French market who must finance the management and processing of these tyres once they can no longer be used on vehicles.
Selling tyres without paying the eco-tax is considered fraud and punishable by a fine.
I buy my tyres directly from a French manufacturer or supplier:
I manufacture tyres for my distributor’s own brand:
I import tyres (from websites or suppliers based abroad):
I buy my tyres directly from a French manufacturer or supplier:
I import vehicles equipped with tyres:
I import new tyres in order to assemble them on vehicles sold in France:
Aliapur has established 6 categories of tyre, based on their typology. The tyres declared most often are car tyres (which alone represent two thirds of the tyres collected) and truck tyres (a quarter of all collections).
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