Technigom rubber granulate is currently used as the shock-absorbing underlay for athletics tracks, the cover surface of which is dyed in the mass (most often red or blue) and has above all aesthetic properties.
It is also possible to make the surface entirely from Technigom, thus satisfying the comfort and performance requirements sought. This surface stands out because of its black colour.
Products replaced: EPDM or polyurethane coatings (made from petroleum products)
The advantages of a Technigom shock-absorbing underlay:
The economic advantages of a track containing Technigom are greater than those of a 100% EPDM or polyurethane (Tartan) track:
Health and environmental safety:
Do you have a project around our products?
Let's talk together!
Chrystèle Charle-Chambard, Operations and R&D task Officer
Contact Chrystèle